July 17th-20th, 2024 Pisa, Italy
“Leaning” Symmetry
In memory of György Darvas
Founder of the International Symmetry Association
The World’s Largest Interdisciplinary Festival in Symmetry Studies Celebrating Science, Culture, and Art
Hosting and organizing institution: University of Pisa, Centro congressi Le Benedettine
C.A.F.R.E. Centro interdipartimentale per l’Aggiornamento, la Formazione e la Ricerca Educativa of the University of Pisa, Italy
More information: https://www.cafre.unipi.it/symmetry
International Symmetry Association
Dear Colleagues, I would like to thank you for sending to me the info on the Festival. I reside in Argentina, annual inflation 300%, unable to travel nowhere. I could, would you allow it, present talks through Internet Zoom.Cordially, Diego Rapoport
Dear colleagues. I have been dealing with the problem of symmetry in relation to the work of the human brain and cognitive functions for many years. More than 20 papers have been published on the relationship between human intellectual capabilities and indicators of interhemispheric brain asymmetry. I will be happy to participate in the conference.
Sincerely, Natalia Ryabchikova